Wine + Art
Board and Bench Publishing offers a collection of books unique to the world of wine package design, art history, and anthology. Icon: Art of the Wine Label and Imagery: Art for Wine examine the intersection of art and modern label design in a fashion and format that are as informative as they are arresting. In Celebration of Wine and Life surveys the history of wine as seen through the visual arts. Published first in 1980, it is still the most complete book on the subject in print. And as for Wine, Food and the Arts, an anthology of writings from famed foodies, we will leave its description to David Masumoto, from his Essay A Taste of Farming.
“Twice a year I’m captivated by my farm's demanding beauty and precarious nature. Once is the early spring as I break winter's crust and begin the year anew, hungry for work and stirred with optimism. The other is at the end of summer and early fall when crops are being gathered, a year's labor realized. The following two excerpts embody my emotions as I plant hope in the spring and, if all goes well, harvest that hope by the end of summer.”